Thursday, 15 March 2018

Sleep or Screen?

Sleep or screen?    By Rosa

For better sleep, scientists suggest a ban against using screens just before bedtime. This is because Studies have shown that being exposed to the blue and white screens at night prevents our brains from releasing a hormone that tells our bodies it is time to sleep. The light from our screens has an affect our body’s clock. The natural cycle tells us when to fall asleep and when to wake up; the cycle is known as our circadian rhythm. The darkness at night and natural daylight both help us to keep our internal clock on a roughly 24 hour cycle.

The fact that around 50% of students in the Bluecoat Wollaton BBC News team have 5 minutes to an hour between turning off their screen and going to bed is better than some, but about 45% of others have no time in between. Sadly this is also the case for our teachers who have the exact same statistics. This is shocking, especially keeping in mind 1 hour is the recommended time and only one student had over an hour.

It is proven that people around the age of teenagers are using too many types of screen. This is affecting their eye sight as they are getting used to screens from different distances and of different brightness. Simeon-bluecoat student

On average, most students in the Bluecoat Wollaton BBC News team use a screen for 1-3 hours a day. It is recommended that children from the age of 5 -18 should spend no more than 2 hours a day on their screens. Sadly studies have shown that the average child or young adult in the UK spends an average of 6 and half hours on a screen – almost three times the recommended amount.

Our own teachers at Bluecoat use their screens a lot more; our studies show that most of our teachers use screens between 4 and 7 hours a day, mostly out of necessity for their work. We don’t think about this often but could work be one of the main problems?

Everybody knows teachers have one of the hardest jobs .But if we took the smart board out of the equation and went back to previous methods of teaching, more focus would be on the students to take more responsibility for their own work, and would stop the fact that a immense amount of screen time is spent at school staring at the smart board .people think that we spend too much time leisurely but we have 5 hours of lessons using electronics! This isn’t a problem for just schools it happens in all jobs, but only in schools are the students affected as well.

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